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Tag Archives: Inspiration

Ironman Inspiration

In anticipation of a somewhat debaucherous new years evening I decided to get on my turbo trainer while watching the Ironman 2011 championships. While the movie centered on the championship rivalry of the elite the stories that lingered were those of the age groupers who overcame incredible odds to finish an the Kona 2011 Ironman. Sure, inspiration can come in many forms but as New Year resolutions loom and inevitably the numerous “get fit” promises to ourselves get shelved from late nights at work, birthdays and children pause to think of:

.. the 82 year old man who became the oldest ever Ironman finisher

.. the double leg amputee who finished

.. the woman who under went colon cancer treatment while training for her ironman and finished

Old age, lack of legs poor or health didn’t stop any of these heros from finishing and inspiring others to get up, get out and do something.

Amputee Ironman - Scott Rigsby